Universal Client Sales Manager Free is a free single user version for the home and small business, providing a simple, integrated sales and client management system. Simple button clicks make Universal Client Sales Manager a friendly alternative to cumbersome sales and accounting applications. The program supports international currencies, international address formatting, and international dates. Create sales and service orders using your parts lists, then auto-generate estimates. Maintain client records. Organize your valuable time with the scheduler and follow-up task manager. Import client and parts/services data from Excel. Upgrade to Universal Client Sales Manager Pro to receive payments and track account receivables, monitor employee sales performance, trend product sales and print invoices. Record and track client complaints and resolutions. Generate sales, financial and performance reports. Import existing client and part / services information databases. Export reports into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and Adobe PDF file format. Pro edition is optionally available as a multi-user application (database can be shared between users). Download